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Tag Archives: Boyfriend



          Ryan and I have been together now for 2 and a half years.  Before we started dating we were best friends and went to each other for everything.  We truly had the cross-sex relationship.  He would tell me things that he would never dream of telling his guy friends.  I was there to give him advice about family issues, or the girl that he was currently dating.  And through all of it we became closer and the connection that we had became a lot stronger.  He became the one guy that I knew would be there no matter what, and he knew that I was not going anywhere either.  When things went completely south with his other girlfriend I was there for him, and soon after we started dating.  It was the best decision I have ever made, and to this day he is still my best friend.  It has gotten to the point now that we are both almost done with school and looking at options of things.  No matter what the conversation is always about where we are going to be together.

          When looking at the ten stage model of romantic relationships I would say that Ryan and I are on the bonding stage.  “During the bonding stage, we think and talk of ourselves as sharing our lives…” (Gambles, 171).  Within the year Ryan and I plan on moving in together.  We already have a shared responsibility of paying for rent on a room during the weekends once a month.  He really is my everything.  We do have our occassional argument, but through it our relationship is only made stronger.


Michael W, Teri Kwal, Gamble (2003). The Gender Communication Connection. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.