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           Language is used to communicate both about and between another person (Gambles, 59).  Looking at this chart the differences between how a woman talks about something and how a man talks about something is more closely examined.  For example when looking at the conversational style of a man we see that he is not going to really join in on conversation where he has to really release information about himself out there.  If he lets something out that is too personal than his personal status will be discredited and he will lose part of his status.  Women on the other hand will disclose as much information as they can between others.  The more information that they share about themselves and others gives them more credit in their world.

          “Women also use speech to demonstrate their understanding of others’ troubles, and to show their support for others” (Gambles, 75).  On the other hand “men seek to achieve dominance through verbal interactions” (Gambles, 77).  This goes in to show that while women are trying to be helpful and understanding, men are just trying to find another way in which they can assert themselves and show that they are the best among the male species.