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Tag Archives: Friendships



          This picture is of me and a group of girls that I went to summer camp with back in 2007.  We were together nonstop for two weeks.  It was a camp in which we were learning to be leaders and so we had to learn to get a long and communicate with one another.  Through it all we all got very close, and these girls became like sisters to me.  By the end of the two weeks we were telling each other every little detail of our lives, and we learned that we could depend upon each other for strength when we really needed someone.  We had all engaged in a stabilized friendship.  “Once we enter the stabilized friendship stage, we realize that our friendship with each other will continue, and we count on the other person to be there without our specifically asking to meet” (Gambles, 147).  To this day I still talk to these girls, and they are my support when I am down and needed somebody.

Michael W, Teri Kwal, Gamble (2003). The Gender Communication Connection. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.