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Tag Archives: Men

Gender differences still matter in movies – a lot

          When looking at going to the movies these days there tends to be the guy movies and then there are the ever so popular “chick fliks”.  I say that lightly as most guys do not want to see them, and they are in reality not that popular.  I have made a pact with my boyfriend that I will never make him go see a chick flik because I know that it is not something that he enjoys, and there is no point in going to see a movie in which both parties are not going to enjoy the movie.  This article exams how movies can share some characteristics, but some movies will bring in more money than others.  When comparing an action movie with a chick flik it can be seen that the action movie is made appealing to both groups (males and females) while chick fliks there is some actual work that must be placed inside of the movie in order to keep the attention of the male.

Men want the same thing from their underwear that they want from women:  a little bit of support, and a little bit of freedom. 

~Jerry Seinfeld

          I found this quote interesting in the sense that it compared a woman to a pair of underwear.  I agree with it though.  Men are brought up to believe that they are strong and independent and do not need others.  When they are in a relationship and have a woman constantly smothering them with attention, the guy will feel trapped and will want to get away from the situation.  When looking at cross-sex friendships, men use women as a sort of support system that they could not get from a guy.  “Being friends with women allows men the opportunities to spend more time in conversation, to be more free about thier emotions and feelings, and, thus, to expand emotionally” (Gambles, 155).